People who have certain heart issues, have a lower pulse rate as compared to the heart rate. When you are healthy, your heart rate is in sync with your pulse rate. Since, heartbeat pumps the blood through your body, it causes a change in the blood pressure that generates a pulse in the arteries. Heart rate refers to the number of times your heart beats each minute, whereas pulse in the mode through which you can feel each beat of your heart. Your heart rate measures the heart beats, while a pulse rate measures the rate of blood pressure. Heart rate and pulse rate are two different parameters, although they may seem similar. The pulse rate of children at various stages of life are tabulated below: S.No. The average heart rate in children between age 6 – 15 ranges from 70 bpm to 100 bpm.

Since the normal pulse rate varies with age, children tend to have different pulse rates as compared to adults. The normal range of pulse rate in each trimester during pregnancy is tabulated below: S.No. The normal pulse rate in females differ when they are pregnant. The optimum range of pulse rate for women at different ages is tabulated below: S.No. According to the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), women with high pulse rates are more prone to heart attacks. The pulse rate in females is around 2 – 7 bpm higher than that in males of the same age. The normal pulse rate in males while resting is tabulated below: S.No. The pulse rate also varies depending on whether you are resting or exercising. The pulse rate in adults largely depends upon the age. The normal pulse rate in adult males and females is different. Your pulse rate can get influenced by factors like your age, smoking habit, fitness, air temperature, history of cardiovascular diseases, expression of emotions, medicines, body size and proportion.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA) the normal sinus pulse rate lies between 60 bpm to 100 bpm. According to studies, the normal adult pulse rate lies between 60 to 90 beats per minute (bpm). Pulse rate is a vital parameter that conveys important health information.